In action films, the hero escapes one danger after another with barely a scratch and winds up safe and triumphant in the end. The movie ends, the credits roll, and the movie goers return to the real world with a sense that they are like the hero – unpleasant things only happen to others, not to them. However, the following facts suggest otherwise:
Real life isn’t like the movies. Should the worst happen, what will save you and your loved ones from financial hardship? This is where Select Japan comes in with expert advice to help you make prudent decisions about lifestyle protection.
Some of the important questions we help people answer are:
These are all very important questions that deserve careful consideration before making a decision to build in a suitable level of financial protection. That’s why we take time to understand each client’s requirements before advising them on insurance coverage such as:
Health insurance – provides international healthcare insurance coverage for expats, frequent travelers and international business people all over the world. The plans could range from in-patient medical treatment, right through to a full refund for most in- and out-patient medical treatment.
Life insurance – lifetime protection, term protection, accidental death benefit, joint life protection, international coverage.
Critical Illness coverage – pays out a lump sum on the diagnosis of a “serious disease”. These conditions can include, but are not limited to: cancer, heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, heart bypass surgery and angioplasty.
Income protection – paying benefits to policyholders who are incapacitated and hence unable to work due to illness or accident
Key Man Insurance – An insurance policy taken out on the life of an executive or a senior employee of an organization whose death would cause significant loss to the organization. In the event of death, proceeds of the policy would be payable to the organization which took out the policy.
We are happy to meet with you in person or talk over the phone and answer your questions in as much detail as is necessary. You’ll be able to find out more about the available benefits of each plan and how they apply to your situation.
We would like to hear from you. Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.
The vast majority of the people we meet are introduced to us by clients and business partners who already enjoy the high standard of service offered by Select. The modern lifestyle can make it difficult for professionals in Tokyo to find the time in their hectic day to properly address their financial needs. Enter their details into Select’s on-line form and be assured you’re taking the first step to help them reach their goals.
Select’s experience and expertise in these areas are the main reasons we regularly welcome new clients who are disappointed with the level of service offered by other consultancies. Select works closely with each client on an ongoing basis to ensure portfolios and product servicing meets their individual circumstances and goals. Enter your details on Select’s online form and have your existing financial arrangements receive the same high standard of attention all our clients have become accustomed to.
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